Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Never Trumper and the American Political Situation

The following is a long post in a thread on facebook which is at the following post:  https://www.facebook.com/erik.backus/posts/10217157757399230.

Returning to the main thread, on our political situation in the USA.  To recap, I offered:  “To clarify ‘never trumpers’ didn’t vote for Trump. Some, like Colin Powell, voted for Hillary. Some, like George HW Bush or John Kaisich, voted write-in or didn’t vote the Presidential line. The ‘never trumpers’ weren’t and aren’t enablers. The enablers are those that allegedly pinched their noses and still voted for him, those aren’t ‘never trumpers’ they’re ‘lesser of evils’ voters as they saw it. I’ll complete this post a bit later.”

To which Renie Jay replied:  “Erik C. Backus I know in our friend circle this will be an extremely unpopular opinion, but I think anyone who didn't vote for Hillary in 16 is an enabler. None of the 3rd party candidates had a realistic chance of winning. Hell, 1000 votes for Harambe in NH almost cost Hillary that entire state! 3rd party and write-ins played right into Trump's hand.

People who didn't vote for either trump nor Hillary in swing States effectively acted as bystanders attempting to abstain.

‘If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality.’”

From which, I began my replies with the following:

Renie Jay, the key point is swing states, which is where I was going next.  Trump won the popular vote contribution to the election on approximately 80,000 votes in 3 states (Wisconsin, Michigan, and Ohio), which was reflected in how the electoral college was forced to act (more on that in a bit).  One has to then delve into how is it that we have such a divide, that such a marginal popular vote action could ultimately decide the result we had?  I'll get into the structural piece (the Electoral College), but what I am really first getting at is the way the popular will was swayed in just the right places.

To that, one cannot but see that we have an ever stronger emerging rural to urban divide, not too dissimilar to the stratification and "sectionalism" that existed in the mid-nineteenth century.  Both major parties have capitalized/enhanced this stratification in that the Dems who were historically supported by labor and working class politics, in part due to the new democrat movement that was embraced by Clinton, have lost or weakened that support and have not often delivered for that demographic as they have focused on cultural liberal issues and turned from protectionism without actually building a sustainable alternative path to economic prosperity (traditional liberal new deal government largess has been accurately condemned as problematic).  With regards to the Repubs, the strong embrace of the traditional southern political culture from Nixon through Regan to Trump (populist, protectionist, xenophobic, reactionary, etc.), put them in a position to capture those left behind in rural and working class centric areas, even as they continue to only offer a mirage of a solution to their economic ills.  They've been largely lost, and as I articulated prior to the election still holds:  http://backusec.blogspot.com/2016/07/the-trump-phenom-abridged.html.  You can blame them all you want as "enablers" but that doesn't solve any problem, nor will it convince them of their choice; frankly it'll galvanize them more.

So the answer, in part the reason this has happened is that the hardening partisanship/stratification, has hit in enough places that we need to really look at what the real underlying issues are that would drive a person to make such a tragic choice.  And those are largely cultural and economic. 

On the social front, it’s one thing to celebrate the broadening of rights and supporting the furtherance of egalitarian efforts to pull people out from the shadows (e.g. LGBTQ, women, Hispanics, African-Americans, etc.) to allow them full(er) social equity (which I support), but when it’s done as an assault on traditional norms writ large, or perceived as such, and includes rhetoric and actions that are as intolerant towards traditional folks as those that imposed the former conditions felt by those that were in the shadows, its harmful and counterproductive.  There is a way to both hold people accountable, not accept backsliding or bigotry, but also not assault them personally and seek their utter demise.

We also have to recognize that there are not one-size-fits-all answers for every community.  Yes, we hope to continue to raise the bar and get ever better at our baseline of tolerance and acceptance, but there have always been different speeds at which social change has occurred in different contexts.  So long as there is indeed progress, and we have to always press forward towards equality and justice, we can’t fault Russell, NY for not having a robust LGBTQ support system in the same way Boston, MA has one, it’s just not realistic nor is it healthy in the end to force it upon that community en masse.  Rapid social change in society leads to backlash and potential devastation, the Middle East is a case-in-point in this regard.  We need to emulate an advanced version of the Jordanian model in terms of pace and methods towards change in society (not its starting point, of course) and not end up with the Iranian model that led to the revolution of 1979 or the Whabbi model that has brought us Al Queada and worse.

So looking at the social question, the problem is we can’t even talk about a reasonable way forward, because we continue to trip on purity and litmus tests on social questions.  On abortion, it’s pro-life without a single exception or it’s pro-choice without inhibition.  How about we seek the end of abortion, not by making it illegal, but by doing all we can to create respectful relationships, use fact based education, and try perpetrators for their sexual crimes?  How about we ensure women have control of their bodies, not by developing more medical procedures and pharmaceuticals that seek to reject life at it’s creative point, but by ensuring contraceptives are available, that we empower women in relationships, and we hold fathers accountable as full partners in every sense?  And how about we ensure we value life after birth as sacred as life in the womb, we ensure that religious beliefs that value chastity and responsibility in relationships aren’t mocked, support adoption more fully as an option, and we seek to recognize that there remains imperfection in the world and that there are often horribly bad personal choices people have to make and seek to help people through those challenges?  All of these, for just this one example, are much harder, they don’t fit into sound-bites, and we have to contend with one another as neighbors and friends, not as “us” and “them”.  It’s not utopia, it’s a realization that the more we hurt ourselves, the more we will all suffer.

On the economic side we need to continue to have an innovative and dynamic economy to be able to compete on the world stage, turning back to protectionism and isolationism will undermine, significantly, the general economic growth (even with the Great Recession we have seen a general upward glidepath world-wide) and security stability we see in the world (we haven’t seen a major symmetric great power ground conflict in over 70 years).  But we have yet to fix the fact that there are many left in the wake and we need to find a way to give them the bright future that has often been promised them throughout our nation's history.  This really requires a partial re-definition of the American dream which will continue to hit some resistance until those that have been left behind the most can see the light at the end of the proverbial tunnel.  Neither liberals nor conservatives have even attempted to really lay down any track to make that possible.  So this needs to be the priority, figuring this out, lest we continue to fail, not only for any party, but as a nation long term.  And we are already seeing the drag this is on all of us.

I have spoken to this, we need to encourage trade development as a co-equal path with collegiate education.  We need to purposefully make investments in communities that have labor pools that have been left out and left behind.  We have to see this just like we saw the efforts to revitalize the large urban center cities in the 60s through the 80s which has brought renaissance to the like of NYC, Washington DC, LA, Chicago, etc. etc.  This is making an investment in rust belt and rural America in a way that is unprecedented, both in scale and in method.  This can’t be another big New Deal type government program nor can it be a hand-out to companies in hopes they deliver.  It has to be a strategically engaged development strategy that develops underlying infrastructure (badly in need of repair and of upgrade), incentivizes and pushes industry along a path that is sustainable, and creates opportunity for a new generation of workers.  It’s unscrewing the personal tax code, to ensure that everyone pays their fair share for what they have been privileged to get out of the economy, protects our long term resources (conserving them for when we really need them), and unleashes innovation and corporate action to solve the biggest world-wide problems.

But no one wants to do this.  Dems want to pile on the success of the megalopolis cities of the coast, enhancing programs, and assaulting corporations as the enemy.  Repubs want to strip all regulations, cut taxes for even the things we need, and prove that government can never work.  No one really cares that LeClaire, WI or Flint, MI, and Akron, OH are atrophying in so many ways (people, infrastructure, housing, employers, and more) that people are eating rats.  Roger & Me is real, and there is a reason Michael Moore predicted, to his own sadness, the outcome in 2016 correctly.  People are desperate in these locations, and choosing change, even despotic, racist, authoritarian, fascist, immoral, repugnant change, is felt by them to be better than where they are now.  Unless we create change that answers the mail, Trump will be a reality.

I long ago stopped using the term “GOP” for the Republican party.  GOP stands for “Grand Old Party”, deriving from the “Grand Old Army”, which was a nickname for the Civil War era Army of the Republic.  They are no longer the party of Lincoln, and any association with the soldiers that stood shoulder to shoulder to fight against the Confederate Army who defended slavery, is practically gone.  They’ve embraced the flag of the CSA, its intransigence on race relations, and its long history of fighting for equity and freedom for all humankind.  I have an “I Like Ike” hat that was given to me and I often wear it, because gosh, wouldn’t it be nice to have a President more like Ike.  Ike was hardly perfect, but he did pass the first Civil Rights act and he made damn sure that the Nazis got punished for genocide.  And the 1950s were not even close to perfect, we were still in Korea, segregation was at its high water mark in the south, and the coming storm of the 1960s was upon us.  Ike though, didn’t stop the progress, he edged it along, he didn’t go along with the British and French on the Suez, but he made sure we airlifted into Berlin.  He was brave enough to make Rockefeller the first Under-Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare even if he had to turn to Nixon as his VP (who brought us the EPA mind you).  The hat is a piece of nostalgia for a party that was, and no longer is.

The Dems, however, aren’t the party they were.  In some ways they are much better.  They ejected the Dixiecrats and have embraced much of the social justice agenda.  They stopped with their protectionism, and started to see some parts of corporate America (tech companies, organic farmers, and so forth) as acceptable to even good.  But all the while, they gave up on the working class and they’ve lost their patriotism.  They’ve ceded liberty to “libertarians” and freedom to the “freedom caucus” without even a fight.  They seem to have gotten so lost in fighting “the man” that they forgot that they’ve crippled Uncle Sam with both government largess and a willingness to perpetually leave behind the farms from which they get fed.

In the end, I think neither party survives in their current form; we are at the nexus point of a new party system in the next decade.  There will be in the end, two, I think, from the ashes and flotsam of the present situation.  For some time I have thought that pro-business Dems would leave the party to join the “establishment” Repubs.  But now, I see that Ron Paul, Pat Robertson, Pat Buchanan, and Trump are all conspiring to tear apart the Repubs.  Rather than attack “never trumpers” these are those that you need to court.  They weren’t willing to give in.  But you need to actually embrace what they see as the needs and adopt some of their solutions.  John Kaisich was the one Repub candidate that you need to listen to.  He, or his type (Ben Sasse, etc), will not win as a Repub on the national stage, but they can pull enough strings to do one of two things: 1) attempt to take the Repubs back from Trump (less likely) or 2) Do a Bloomberg one better and try to build an alternative center right party using neo-liberalism and a worker centric platform hoping to get enough independents to force the Repubs to come back to them.  This is speculation, but I am certain things are going to change.  This Fall will bespeak not a win for Dems, that should not be mistaken, it will be a reaction and rejection of Trump should the House and Senate flip.  There is much more to come, and the point is don’t think that traditional labels mean what they once did.

Monday, July 2, 2018

Immigration Justice?

“May you live in interesting times” – Ancient Chinese Proverb

The last couple months in regards to immigration in the United States of America has certainly been “interesting”.  President Donald Trump and his team ramped up border security, with Attorney General Jeff Session announcing a “zero tolerance policy” on 7 May 2018[i].  After extensive reporting and a sizable public and international outcry (inclusive of criticism by Pope Francis), on 20 June 2018, the President signed an executive order ending the policy that his Attorney General had put forward in May in regards to separating families[ii].  The saga is hardly done[iii], but it did bring to the fore a lot of discussion on what has been a core issue for this Presidency and for the USA for some time around immigration.

To that end, this tweet by Charlie Kirk of Turning Point USA[iv] was emblematic of many a retort I saw on many social media platforms regarding the outcry against the policy of separating families at the US southern border:

The numbers quoted certainly should be verified[v], but they aren’t far off the mark.  An initial reaction to this post and its juxtaposition of comparing children of inmates and those in foster care, to those being separated at the border, might very well be indignant rejection.  After all there is a significant difference between a person who is awaiting a hearing or trial (those being separated at the border) and one that has been tried and convicted of a crime that resulted in a prison sentence (parent in prison; even though one could speak to the various injustices within the legal system).  Likewise, children in foster care are there for many reasons, inclusive of voluntary decisions made by the birth parents themselves.  And while these facts are true, that there is an apples to oranges comparison being made here, there is an underlying set of questions being asked, or at least should be.

For instance, one question that needs to be asked, is do we consider the welfare of a parent’s children in the process of sentencing for crimes?  Law and order focused efforts often narrow the band of consideration for sentencing guidelines to simply relate to the crime committed, and rarely desire to look at other circumstances.  And even if it were true that sentencing guidelines enable broader consideration (and many in truth do), one question that needs to be asked is shouldn’t a parent who really cares for their child consider that before committing a crime that will potentially cause them to be separated?  And arguably, this is a very valid question.  Good parents simply shouldn’t commit crimes, not only to model good behavior or their children, but also to avoid the possibility of incarceration and separation, never mind economic impacts and social stigma.

So this line of questions leads us to perhaps the better question and better response to this whole debate and discussion.  Why or under what circumstances would a parent justifiably take this risk and do something illegal?  Are there any?  For those in the strict law and order camp, the answer may well be that there are no such circumstances or reasons.  For others, there may be.

To that point, I had a fellow US Army officer[vi] share a few thoughts with me related to the topic of illegal immigration:  “There is a way to stop [illegal immigration].  Stop crossing border illegally.  We can't let our borders leak with a constant flow of immigrants putting a strain on society[vii].   Response dumbed down for Democrats to understand.”[viii]  Simply, from a law and order perspective, it’s about us protecting ourselves from whatever real or perceived threat that might exist; so be it that it damages “them”.  The thing is, however, that is the opposite of what Charlie Kirk’s assertion is trying to say, it’s trying to make a morally equivalent argument based on a notion that is more sophisticated than protection, it’s appealing to a sense of justice.  The point is, why is it we concern ourselves so much with 2,000 separated illegal immigrant families, and not concern ourselves with the literal millions that are separated within the US citizenry?  That simply seems unjust.  Well that depends on what justice means, doesn’t it?

noun: justice; plural noun: justices
  1. just behavior or treatment.
"a concern for justice, peace, and genuine respect for people"
synonyms:       fairness, justness, fair play, fair-mindedness, equity, evenhandedness, impartiality, objectivity, neutrality, disinterestedness, honesty, righteousness, morals, morality
"I appealed to his sense of justice"

·         the quality of being fair and reasonable.
"the justice of his case"

·         the administration of the law or authority in maintaining this.
"a tragic miscarriage of justice"

·         the personification of justice, usually a blindfolded woman holding scales and a sword.
noun: Justice”[ix]

Prudent to this discussion is “a concern for justice, peace, and genuine respect for people”.  To that end, then there has to be some nuance, some broader construct in discussing what might justify (note the root of justify and justice are the same) making an illegal act, especially if you have dependents in your charge.  The presumption is that if you are a parent, you have taken upon the sacred responsibility of caring[x] for and providing[xi] for your child, until such time as they are able to care and provide for themselves.  So, it follows, that if for some reason you can’t care or provide for a child or children in your care[xii], you have to make accommodations to do so; that would be the “just” thing to do.  One can clearly state that one should do so by every legal means possible.  But does it end there?  Does the duty of a parent end at “legal means” especially if, by so limiting ones care and support, one would inherently would harm the child or children, or worse?[xiii]

Today I read an account from a firsthand viewer of things on the southern US border.[xiv]  Mike Harlos, as you can read in his own post (https://www.facebook.com/MikeHarlos/posts/2179883425362049), speaks to what is happening in Tornillo, TX is on the US/Mexico border.  He makes a comparison between the plight of those that he’s accounted for and seen and those fleeing from a hurricane.  A more apt analogy might be those fleeing from Raqqa, Syria in 2013, where violence was and is so strident that leaving and fleeing to another country for the sake of the safety of your children, certainly seems to be the just thing to do.  Is it likely that you care much for the laws governing such cross border actions?  Are you in a situation where it might not matter much to you even if you did, as the choice to remain is so horrible that no matter the consequences, they have to be better for you and yours that you’ll take that chance?  To that end, I think one has to contemplate this in the sense of what justice really would be in this case.

In some sense the real comparator is if you are poor and destitute and unable by legal means to feed your family, do you steal?  That, fundamentally is a part of the equation here and the real pushback comes in the assertion that illegal immigrants are stealing.  But is it just?  Is it just to tear apart families as mechanism to punish the guilty, domestic or otherwise prior to their having an opportunity to defend their action?  This really is at the core of the questions we need to ask ourselves, especially if we are going to compare those incarcerated within the USA to those trying to enter the US without going through the rather byzantine process that one must go through to do so by the rules.  While the assertion by Charlie Kirk was meant to push back against the indignation of those speaking against the “zero tolerance” policy, his use of justice as his underlying moral point takes it in a very different direction.  It does not mean we should throw out the rule-book, but we need to look at this with more careful eyes.  And that should make us really think more and care more than missives back and forth; lives, quite literally, are in the balance.

[vi] In the spirit of comradery of arms and based on a general policy of non-attribution of those who share thoughts in private with me, I will not name him publicly
[vii] This part of the argument is an interesting one.  What strains are they putting on American society today?  Earlier today I posted this statement made through Facebook that helps put this in some perspective:  https://www.facebook.com/eric.pavri/posts/10156217680941180.  That said, it leaves out the fact that illegal immigrants are “taking away jobs” from US workers.  Or is that really so?  This article puts forward the idea that there are more jobs than available workers:  https://www.cnbc.com/2018/06/05/there-are-more-jobs-than-people-out-of-work.html.  But then again, as I pointed out in a comment to Mike Herman who posted this on Facebook (where I originally saw it), this article is comparing unemployment to job availability rather than comparing labor participation to job availability (meaning there are folks who’ve left the workforce and aren’t looking for work anymore that should be considered).  As best I can figure the core “strain” they are putting on society is an identity based one, in that they are not white Americans with common culture, traditions, or shared values.  Yes there are other factors, but statistics don’t bear out more than average criminal rates, rates of poverty, rates of social benefit needs, and so forth, so largely it’s an identity issue.  That said, it being an identity issue is certainly still an issue, and one that we really need to focus on, in an open and honest and just discussion.  That, I think is very much what Eric Pavri is hoping will happen.
[viii] Via Facebook messenger 20 June 2018.  I left the portion on “Democrats” in this posting as it illustrates two points: 1) the author is clearly not self-identifying as liberal or a democrat and 2) the perplexing fact that tribalism is alive and well in our politics to a great degree and may be beginning to really effect such institutions as the military which are beholden to be non-political (which is a subject for another post)
[ix] Definition found from google.com search “define: justice”, retrieved on 2 July 2018, taken from the first definition
[x] Caring:  love and affection, discipline, physical interaction, teaching, etc.
[xi] Providing:  provision of food, shelter, water, clothing, footwear, opportunity, etc.
[xii] It is an underlying assumption that a parent has the means to care and provide for their children
[xiii] I would posit that legal does not always mean good or that it means just, it just means that it subscribes to a body of law.  Laws in and of themselves can be good, neutral, or evil depending upon the intentions of and resultants of the laws and their enforcement.