Saturday, January 18, 2025

Digging Deeper into the Wedding at Cana




Isaiah 62:1-5; Psalm 36:5-10; 1 Corinthians 12:1-11; John 2:1-11 (Green)


Key Verses:


John 2:1-11

Genesis 1:9-13

Isaiah 62:1

1 Corinthians 12:1-11




“Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.”[1]


Let us pray.  “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable to you, O Lord, my rock and redeemer.”[2]  Amen.


Good evening.  For tonight’s message, I want to strike out on a different path.  Today’s lessons, especially the gospel lesson, are full of reasons that we, as people grounded in scripture, ought to “dig in” to our Bibles.  To that end, I am going to make this a much more interactive session than you might normally expect.


Before I do that, however, I must relay a bit about my past and why I am taking this approach.  In other words, if you have the need to grab a Bible before I get going, now is the opportune time, as this anecdote may or may not be something that ties in as well as the rest of what I am seeking to relay.


As many know, I am a product of my time here among you as a college student.  Yes, this is my second iteration with Holy Trinity, having been with you all from September 1993 until I graduated in May 1997.  And many of you may know that my first duty station was at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, the heart of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod as well as the “Bible Belt”.  What you may not know is that not long after arriving to Leonard Wood, I was contacted by another Clarkson alum, Tim O'Brien, who happened to be an Army Reservist and had been made pastor of a local “non-denominational” congregation.  As he explained his faith community, it was a “full gospel” (little did know what he meant by that at the time) and met in a small church building not far from the Army post in St. Robert.  Being in search of a church home, I accepted his invitation to join in worship a few Sundays after our first meeting, but I will be blunt that I was in for a shock.  Succinctly, this was my first experience of many things that are not common parlance in a Lutheran congregation.  First, the worship opened with a “call to worship” that I was not entirely unfamiliar with, my father having come from the Methodist tradition where this is common place.  To a degree, our “centering of hearts and mind” prayer and “gathering song” are drawn from that tradition.  Following that, however, was a protracted singing of praise songs, often having repeated refrains going 5 or 6 iterations.  I saw before me congregants experiencing extreme ecstasy in the Holy Spirit and even speaking in tongues as the verses poured forth.  Not being ignorant of today’s second lesson, I was not taken aback by this or otherwise scandalized, but also I was not moved in particular by this.  Some 45 min in, however, it became time to focus on scripture, and this is where Tim, plain clothed as he was, took center stage (as there was no altar nor any liturgy and the praise band was ensconced on a stage).  As he began, he offered a word of prayer and then said something like “… take out our bibles and your notebooks.  Last week …”  In the midst of this space, wherever you were seated, everyone, excepting myself, pulled out a copy of their Bible and a spiral notebook to begin what was his sermon that I didn’t actually get to finish hearing on account that after 2 hours I had somewhere else to be.  Being a cradle Lutheran, I was certainly conversant in basic bible knowledge, and had received many a sermon, but the idea of cracking open the Bible and a notebook to take notes, across the congregation in worship, for hours at a time, was very different, indeed.  So with that, I am hoping you have found your Bible and are ready to journey with me as the message I have for us proceeds.


Does everyone have a Bible?


Good.  Then let us start with the fact that today’s gospel lesson has a host of meaning that is so much deeper than the typical eye might discern.  First, this lesson is from the Gospel according to John.  While we are in the midst of cycle C in the lectionary, which normally features lessons from Luke’s most voluminous Gospel, on the second Sunday after the Epiphany, the lesson is always drawn from John.  John’s gospel is very different from the other three tellings of the life and times of Jesus Christ, in many ways.  John, for instance, is the only one to record this scene among all the gospel writers.  Another difference is how he tells his story about Christ:  having Jesus speak for himself in monologues that cover pages, relying often on allusion and metaphor, and drawing heavily on the prophecies, idiosyncrasies, and language of the Old Testament.  He also is the one that provides the smallest, yet unique dose of miracle narratives among the Gospel writers.  While this story is lacking in a long monologue, all the other elements are present in this lesson today.


To get into this we will start with the first four words of the gospel lesson:  “On the third day,…”  If we stop just there for a moment, we ought to be asking some questions.  “The third day” what does that mean?  Is this the third day in a sequence of days?  Is this the third day of the week (aka a Tuesday)?  What is this “third day” thing and why start this story with this assertion that things are happening “on the third day”?


Given that you have your Bible in hand, let us all simply do what you might often see me do during the Sermon:  “Bible Surf”.  The lectionary is great, but I really like to see what all is happening before and after the lessons to get context and some framing of what the lessons are about.  So, take yourself to John, chapter 2, verse 1.


Now note that the previous chapter, ends with 51 verses in most translations.  That’s a lot of material before we get to this wedding scene.  In particular, look at verses 29, 35, and 43.  How do those verses begin?


A:  “The next day …”[3]


Now that is odd isn’t it.  Repeatedly in start of John’s Gospel, after he leaves his opening 18-verse preamble and identification of who Jesus is, he seems to be marking off for us a day-by-day account of what he is telling us.  But yet, is this really about 24 clock hour days that John is getting at?  What is all this “day stuff” that John is doing in his narrative?  Now turn to verse 12 of chapter 2, what does that say?


(Beth) A:  “After this he went down to Capernaum along with his mother, brothers, and disciples, and stayed several days.”[4]


There is this day counter thing again, but now it is “days” not just “day”.  If we are paying attention then, John seems to relay that verses 19-28 are on one day, then 29-34 are on another day, and then 36-44 are another day, and then 43-51 are yet another day. Are you counting with me?  So how many days is that?


A: Four (4)


Wait a minute, but didn’t John say that this story about the wedding at Cana was on the “third day”?  But if I am counting the days, then it ought to be the fifth day, right?  Perhaps maybe John was bad at math or calendars or something.  And you will also note, if you look after verse 12 of Chapter 2, this whole “days” mechanism of storytelling just abruptly ends.  So it’s like 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and then a bunch of days, then the clock stopped.  What is going on here?


So maybe we need to step back and think a bit about what John might be referring to.  Where else have we seen this use of a day-by-day narrative in the Bible?


A: Chapter 1 of Genesis


Yes, the opening creation narrative is precisely the place most of us conversant in the Bible will go when we hear “on this day”.  So let us all turn in our Bibles to Genesis chapter 1, but keep a finger in our Bible’s back to John Chapter 1 and 2.  As you will hopefully recall from Sunday school, there are two narratives of the creation story in Genesis.  The first is the familiar day-by-day account that starts the Bible and goes through to chapter 2 verse 3.  Then there is a different account of the story that starts at chapter verse 4 and goes to end of that chapter.  I could get more into all of that but lets just look back to the start of Genesis.  How does verse one of Genesis start?  What are the first three words?


A:  “In the beginning …”[5]


Now holding that page, let’s look back at John chapter 1, verse 1.  How does that verse start?


A:  the same way.


Interesting, right?  Now, let’s dig a bit more in this comparison we are making.  In Genesis chapter 1 the end of verse 5, verse 8, verse 13, verse 19, verse 23, and so forth, the author pronounces it to have been the “next day” in a sequence of days.  Curious.  So maybe John is using this structure to the opening of his Gospel as an allusion to the first and most memorable creation story, right?  Many a commentary has made note of this very peculiar paralleling that John seems to have used.  But let’s get back to today’s lesson and this “third day” business.  Could someone read for me Genesis chapter 1, verses 9 to 13.


A:  “9 And God said, “Let the waters under the sky be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear.” And it was so. 10 God called the dry land Earth, and the waters that were gathered together he called Seas. And God saw that it was good. 11 Then God said, “Let the earth put forth vegetation: plants yielding seed and fruit trees of every kind on earth that bear fruit with the seed in it.” And it was so. 12 The earth brought forth vegetation: plants yielding seed of every kind and trees of every kind bearing fruit with the seed in it. And God saw that it was good. 13 And there was evening and there was morning, the third day.”[6]


Hmm?  Now that is interesting.  On the “third day” in the Genesis creation story, there is God “gathering” the waters into one place that is separate and distinct and then this act of creating vegetation, calling out in particular “fruit trees” that “bear fruit”.  Going back to this wedding at Cana story, a favorite miracle often used even in secular circles, what is happening?  Well first, there is a gathering of water into jugs, which have a separate and distinct purpose, and then that water is converted into wine, a product produced literally from fruit.  Fascinating, isn’t it.  It’s as if John is calling out that this scene is happening on “the third day” to make a direct connection to the Genesis narrative of the third day and how Christ is being a creator just like/as if he was God.  And I bet you that is indeed what is happening here.  “On the third day, …” wasn’t John miscounting.  John was using the day-by-day mechanism to bring to mind the creation narrative from the opening of Genesis, and then hones in on the “third day” of that story as he begins this scene to bring in all of its meaning and context.  So “on the third day …” is a pregnant phrase steeped with deeper meaning that helps us see the deep truth about Jesus as creator and also presage what Christ is going to do both in the scene and beyond.


Now we have spent some serious time “Bible surfing” to walk through just the first four words of the Gospel lesson for today, but there is so much more that is in this lesson to discover.  For instance, turn to John chapter 19, verse 34.  What does it say?


A:  “Instead, one of the soldiers pierced his side with a spear, and at once blood and water came out.”[7]


Water and blood, hmm.  In communion, what is the earthly element we use to represent Christ’s blood?


A: Wine


So, water and blood, water and wine, what is John connecting?  Are there two sacraments we celebrate that use water and wine respectively?


A:  baptism and communion


Yes, baptism and communion, another deeper meaning and connection.  I could go on.  For instance, what about this whole “my hour has not yet come” part[8]?  Or Jesus calling his mother “woman”[9]?  Or this “wine gave out”/“they have no wine” concern[10]?  Or what is this first and last business about good and inferior wine[11]?  And why was this “the first of his signs” when John the Baptist had pronounced the sign of “the Spirit descending like a dove” in the previous chapter[12]?  Let me just offer that we could spend hours on this story alone, but I am not Tim O’Brien and this is not a “full gospel” congregation where services, apparently can go on for up to 4 hours.  Honestly, however, I’d encourage you to spend some time digging in more in the coming days.  There is some amazing things in here that will give you a broad appreciation for scripture and specifically the way to understand better John’s message to us, and therefore the gospel itself.


So why did I do this and what does this all mean.  First, the lessons today ought to call us to dig deeper into what they are trying to say to us and the world.  That digging deeper often requires us to have scripture help us interpret scripture.  John was well aware of the Genesis narrative and was clearly inspired to make this connection between Jesus, the creation, and the Creator for us to find and contemplate.  This means we shouldn’t take things at face value within scripture as we will often miss the larger and more important points.  If we simply breeze by what might be a throw away phrase at first glance, we will be like those trying to hear God in a loud wind.  We are called, however, to see past the loud wind to hear God in the still small voice[13].  Second, that you can do this.  The lessons we hear each week are a starting point, not the ending point of our exploration of scripture.  We hear and read a large portion of the New Testament and a limited part of the Old Testament through the 3-year lectionary cycle.  But, like today, its not always put well into context nor does it give us the chance to hear even more about God and his actions in the world yesterday, today and into the future.  Lastly, because as Isaiah says, we are to “not keep silent” and we should not “rest” but seek out those spiritual gifts that Paul speaks about in our second lesson[14].  Scripture helps us see what God is calling us to be and do in the world.  It helps us ground the free gift of faith he has given us.  We need to feed ourselves the good fruit that He provides.  We need to hear that one Spirit who provides all good gifts.  Yes, that happens in worship and in the sacraments, but it also happens as we glimpse at the living Word, Christ, as shown us in the Bible.  When we do, we can more clearly see that the gospel is truly good news.




[1] 2 Corinthians 1:2

[2] Psalm 19:14

[3] Cf. John 1, 29, 35, 43, NIV

[4] John 2:12 – The Message

[5] Genesis 1:1 NSRV

[6] Genesis 1:9-13 NSRV

[7] John 19:34 NSRV

[8] Cf. John 2:4

[9] Cf. John 2:4

[10] Cf. John 2:3

[11] Cf. John 2:10

[12] Cf. John 2:11

[13] 1 Kings 19:11-13 NSRV

[14] Cf. Isaiah 62:1, 1 Corinthians 12:1-11